Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gene Debbaudt for Kent County Sheriff

Today was the Caledonia Parade ~ It was great and we all have a good time. Here are some pictures of all of us...

GO GENE !!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Visit to Grandpa & Tom

Krystin & I went to visit Grandpa and Tom with the boys. It was very nice to see them both. Grandpa is still enjoying his caramel corn. Tom created a garden for Grandpa and calles it Burls park. It is very cute !

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sprinkler Fun

It was so hot on saturday that the boys wanted to play with the hose. They had so much fun together !!!

Jonathans Last Baseball Game

It rained at his last game but the boys loved getting wet and dirty !!!!