Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jonathan and Dugany Sniffer

Jonathan decided to rename the Dog. His new name is DUGANY SNIFFER !!!! HAHAHAHA

Jonathan states that Dugany sniffer can solve crimes with his sniffer !!!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Our dog Dugan had a biopsy of his lymph nodes today because they are very large under his neck. They will call on Tuesday but they do believe it to be cancer. (He had a tumor removed 2 years ago and didnt get clear margins so we were aware it would spread). We are very sad our poor puppy has to go through this. We love him very much !!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cant forget about Pooh

My Doctor and I agreed that he did a mighty fine job of saving pooh as much as he could. I think he looks a lot better than I had thought in the beginning ~

The Ankle Update

GOT MY CAST OFF TODAY ! Hurray.. I do not have to wear a boot, he said I was healing well and reassured me once again I do not have osteoporosis. My Doctor gave me a splint to wear and I will do Physical Therapy for 4 weeks. I can slowly start to apply pressure to my foot. My foot was very dry and Hairy ! Take a look. By the time I was done in the tun it was looking much better.


Monday, February 4, 2008

~ Valentine ~



Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tyler Injury

Tyler came over today with Megan to babysit for us with his injured hand. He was playing Hockey and broke his thumb ~ Not only did he break his thumb playing hockey but he continued to play and scored 2 goals and 3 assists ! Way to go Ty Ty....


Friday, February 1, 2008

~ Snow Day ~

Today was a snow day for Jonathan so we hung out together ~ We had a really great day ~ We went to a movie (National Treasure Part 2). Then we came home and read books and played games on playstation ~ We are going to Culvers to get some dinner when Jeff gets home so no cooking for me.
PS This cast is annoying and I am so ready to get it off. It will be quite disgusting but I want to soak it for days in a nice hot bath !!!!!!!! Feb 6th is the big day so expect a pretty picture posted with a hairy crusty leg ~ HAHAHAHA
Take Care ~ Drive and walk safely !!!
