Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My New Cast

Hi There,

My other cast was irritating my incisions so they put on a new one. I let JJ pick the color so BLACK it is !!! Tracie put some cute little decorations on it today ~ Thanks Tracoe.....

I started work today ~ It went pretty good ~ It will just take time to learn how to do my job minus 1 leg and being on crutches....


Monday, January 14, 2008

Jonathan's 6th Birthday

Happy Birthday !!!! Jonathan is very excited about being six today !

Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10th Dr Appt

Hi Friends and Family,

I got my new designer shoe today ~ It is pretty comfortable considering ~ No osteoporosis for me ~ I will be in this cast for 4 weeks and after that I will be in a moon boot for 4 additional weeks. Here are some post surgery x rays and also a picture of pooh minus the staples. My mom took me to the appt today and also to walmart so I stocked up on everything ~ She is leaving tomorrow for Cabo so today she ran around for me ~ Thanks Mom !!!!!!! The staff at Dr John Anderson's office have all been wonderful. They were great !

Thanks again to everyone for all the help you have given me. I truly feel blessed to have such caring friends and family. Take Care


Friday, January 4, 2008

Dr Appt Today

I went to the Doctor today because all the swelling is gone on my foot but the cast was huge and causing me more pain than I needed. They stated that was very normal and they gave me a new much lighter cast. I go back in a week to get the staples out and a full cast on. Here are some pics ~ Pooh has had a midline resection. I can only laugh about it ! I can be thankful I am healing well.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just Call Me Grace

Hi There,

I have not had a very great time on crutches ~ Here is my latest injury photo. It is my upper left thigh. I fell and tried to protect my right broken leg as much as I could. It is quite large but at least its not BROKEN. HAHAHA