Thursday, December 27, 2007

Broken Leg

Hi everyone,

I was walking into work on Wednesday and slipped on some black ice in the parking lot. My leg snapped before I even hit the ground. The sound was disgusting. Thanks to my friends at work Mary and Lisa Brander they were able to get me into my van and Lisa drove me to the ER. I have 2 breaks in my Tibia and a 3rd break in my fibula. I have surgery scheduled on Friday @ 2 PM to have my bones pinned and plated. I was in a lot of pain but I am now on percacet which keeps me very comfortable. I would like to thank ALL my friends and family for being so helpful and wonderful !!!!!!

Love Andrea

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Hall Family Christmas

We had our Family Christmas Saturday Evening at Tanya's. Everything went well and we had a great time. It is so nice to have all the kids together ~ Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


We got a lot of snow last night so Bryce and Jonathan went sedding ~ It was SOOOOO cold.

Christmas Cookies

Aunt Jamie made cookies and let Bryce & Jonathan decorate them. The kids loved it ! Angie decided to put christmas decorations on her head so the boys wanted to be just like her !!!! Keep in mind those things are heavy so Angie had two HUGE dents in her forehead...HAHAHAHA

Work Christmas Party 2007

Our party this year was at Egypt Valley Country Club. We had a great time ~ Maybe a little to great ~ I was feeling a little under the weather saturday.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dustin & Mackenzie Paas School Pics 2007

No ! I am not just posting

these pictures , I just got them !!!!

Santa Clause

We went to see Santa Clause on Saturday with Ellie, Rylie & Tracie at the Lowell Showboat ~ Jonathan seemed a little shy at first but seemed to overcome that in about 2 seconds ~


Tom and Grandpa came on Friday to visit for lunch. We met at Macaroni Grill. It was very nice to see them both and Grandpa looks great ~

Friday, December 7, 2007


Loretta, Megan and Chris went to CA for Thanksgiving. Just thought I would share them.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Jonathan's Fort

Jonathan and Dad made a fort. Jonathan decided it wasnt quite right so he added Christmas lights. Now he is watching my mini dvd player in there. He is so cute ~

The 2007 Christmas Parade

Lowell had their Christmas parade at night this year for the first time. It snowed like crazy and was so beautiful ~ I hope they do it every year .

Megan's Christmas Program

Loretta called and invited Jonathan and I to come to Megan's school Christmas Program. It was very cute. Here are some pictures.